ATTENTION TOKEN TRANSIT USERS: Token Transit ends on March 31. Switch now to IndiGO Mobile Pay - the new, easy way to pay for your rides.


Transportation for Persons with Disabilities

Persons with Disabilities Program (PwD)

The PwD Program is funded through the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. It is a statewide program that provides affordable, accessible transportation for persons with disabilities.

There are additional regulations that govern the program that may not be included in this brochure. Additional information will be explained during the application process. This program only pays for trips that are not covered by other programs.

How It Works

The goal of the PwD Program is to provide a shared ride service at a reduced fare for persons aged 18 to 64. The program is available to those living in Indiana County who need transportation to or from an area not served by existing transportation services, such as, fixed routes.

The PwD Program is only required to be a curb-to-curb service, however, IndiGO believes in assisting all clients door-to-door. IndiGO is never permitted to enter any private home, but the operator will wait at the door for the clients. IndiGO will assist all clients into the main waiting areas at medical facilities. For return trips, IndiGO will come into the main waiting area to eliminate having to wait outside.

Places You Can Go

The PwD Program is greatly beneficial for those in need of transportation to improve their quality of life. Clients are also able to go shopping, participate in recreational activities, get to work, and even attend appointments at social service agencies, between 5:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Saturday (effective February 1, 2024). There are some holidays when IndiGO is closed. 

Service Area and Days 

Transportation will be provided through the Indiana County Shared Ride Program. Clients can go to appointments in Indiana County and Punxsutawney Monday through Friday. 

Transportation to Allegheny County is available Monday through Friday We require that two fare paying clients go to constitute the trip to Allegheny County.

Cost of Trips

The cost of the trips are mileage based. The costs are up to a maximum of $11.25 each way ($22.50 round trip) for Trips to Pittsburgh (Allegheny County). The cost cannot be billed; riders must pay on the day of the trip, Cash or Prepay.

Hours of Operation

All appointments and returns must be scheduled within these service hours:

  • Indiana County: 5:00 AM and the last pick up time of 5:00 PM.
  • Punxsutawney Area: 9:00 AM and the last pick up time of 4:00 PM. 
  • Allegheny County : 8:00 AM and the last pick up time of 4:00 PM.

How to Schedule a Ride

Clients are able to call to reserve their ride between the hours of 8 am and 4 pm, Monday through Friday. We ask that you call at least two weeks in advance to reserve your ride. Reservations must be called in no later than 2:00 pm, one business day prior to the appointment; we may not be able to accommodate your request due to scheduling.

If you require an escort, you may schedule to have one accompany you to your appointments at no charge.

Day of Appointment

On the day of your appointment, an operator will pick you up and when you are finished, an operator will arrive within 30 minutes of your scheduled return time.

Cancellations can be taken one hour before pick up. No other rider can take your place without scheduling.

Accessible Access & Assistance

Passengers using mobility aid devices such as wheelchairs, scooters, walkers, etc. must have an accessible path from the door of their residence to the door of the vehicle when parked in the driveway. Wheelchair ramps must be clear of snow and other debris, and driveways must be plowed and/or salted to prevent ice.

Drivers are not authorized to lift a manual wheelchair or to push a wheelchair through snow or yards. Under no circumstances will a driver push or lift an electric scooter.

Shared Ride

Do you qualify for our Shared Ride program? Find out more about low-cost, safe and reliable transportation for seniors and those with disabilities.

Learn More