Route 6

Route 6 Services

Services: Homer City, Graceton / Coral, Josephine, Blacklick, Blairsville, Bergmans,  IRMC,. Indiana, IRMC Chestnut Ridge, Indiana County Workshop, Indiana Mall

  • Operates Monday thru Friday 6:20 AM to 7:30 PM; Not in operation from 10:15 AM to 12:15 PM.
  • Times posted are departure times.
  • Schedule effective July 1, 2024

Important Service Notes

  • Adult Single Ride (Ages 12 & over)  $ 1.75

  • Reduced Fare Single Ride $ 1.25 (must show Reduced-Fare ID Card to purchase)

  • Day Pass*  $4.00

  • Reduced Fare Day Pass*  $3.00 (must show Reduced-Fare ID Card to purchase)

  • Monthly Pass*   $60.00

  • Reduced Fare Monthly Pass*  $44.00 (must show Reduced-Fare ID Card to purchase)

*Available only at IndiGO Hub (Indiana Mall) or Main Office (1657 Saltsburg Ave., Indiana, PA). Cannot purchase from driver.

  • Valid I-Card Holders  Free Year Round
  • Senior Citizens 65+  Free Year Round (Must have Senior Card. Contact IndiGO for details.)

  • Children Ages 11 & Under Free Year Round

More information on fares, as well as saving time and money with IndiGO Mobile Pay.

Please note that schedules are best viewed in landscape when viewing them on a phone. 

Monday through Friday, service ends at 7:30 pm

Indiana to Blairsville
ROUTE 6 M-F AM     PM      
Indiana Mall Depart 6:20 8:20 --- 12:20 2:20 4:20 6:20
IndiGO 6:25 8:25 --- 12:25 2:25 4:25 6:25
Hoss's Wayne Avenue 6:26  8:26 --- 12:26 2:26 4:26 6:26
Indian Springs Rd. 6:28 8:28 ----- 12:28 2:28 4:28 6:28
RxR Tracks on Old 119 6:31 8:31 ----- 12:31 2:31 4:31 6:31
Homer City Lucerne Rd. 6:33 8:33 ----- 12:33 2:33 4:33 6:33
Homer City Bus Shelter 6:35 8:35 ----- 12:35 2:35 4:35 6:35
Homer Center School 6:36 8:36 ----- 12:36 2:36 4:36 6:36
Graceton (Mailboxes) 6:39 8:39 ----- 12:39 2:39 4:39 6:39
Coral (Fire Hall) 6:40 8:40 ----- 12:40 2:40 4:40 6:40
Josephine 6:43 8:43 ----- 12:43 2:43 4:43 6:43
Blacklick Fire Hall 6:46 8:46 ----- 12:46 2:46 4:46 6:46

Downtown Blairsville Loop - 1st Loop into town Old William Penn Hwy to Rte 22. After the 7:01 PM stop at Bergman's Hardware, Route 6 travels nonstop back to the Indiana Mall where it arrives at 7:30 pm.
ROUTE 6 M-F AM     PM      
Blairsville Walmart 6:53 8:53 ----- 12:53 2:53 4:53 6:53
Blairview Apts. (Bentley Dr.) 6:57 8:57 ----- 12:57 2:57 4:57 6:57
RR Tracks on Market Street 6:59 8:59 ----- 12:59 2:59 4:59 6:59
Blairsville Sheetz 7:00 9:00 ----- 1:00 3:00 5:00 7:00
Bergman's Hardware 7:01 9:01 ----- 1:01 3:01 5:01 7:01

Downtown Blairsville Loop - 2nd Loop into town Route 22 to Old William Penn Hwy.
ROUTE 6 M-F AM     PM      
Blairsville Walmart 7:06 9:06 ----- 1:06 3:06 5:06   Traveling Back to Indiana   
Bergman's Hardware 7:12 9:12 ----- 1:12 3:12 5:12   Traveling Back to Indiana 
RR Tracks on Market Street 7:15 9:15 ----- 1:15 3:15 5:15   Traveling Back to Indiana 
Blairview Apts 7:16 9:16 ---- 1:16 3:16 5:16   Traveling Back to Indiana 
Blairsville Walmart 7:21 9:21 ---- 1:21 3:21 5:28 Traveling Back to Indiana 

Blairsville to Indiana
ROUTE 6 M-F AM     PM      
IRMC at Chestnut Ridge 7:23 9:23 ---- 1;23 3:23 5:23 Traveling back to Indiana
Blacklick Post Office 7:27 9:27 ----- 1:27 3:27 5:27 Traveling back to Indiana
Josephine 7:30 9:30 ----- 1:30 3:30 5:30 Traveling back to Indiana
Graceton (Mailboxes) 7:34 9:34 ----- 1:34 3:34 5:34 Traveling back to Indiana
Coral (Fire Hall) 7:35 9:35 ----- 1:35 3:35 5:35 Traveling back to Indiana
Homer Center School  7:40 9:40 ----- 1:40 3:40 5:40 Traveling back to Indiana
Homer City Bus Shelter 7:41 9:41 ----- 1:41 3:41 5:41 Traveling back to Indiana
Homer City (Lucerne Rd) 7:43 9:43 ----- 1:43 3:43 5:43 Traveling back to Indiana
RR Tracks on Old 119 7:45 9:45 ----- 1:45 3:45 5:45 Traveling back to Indiana
Blue Ridge Apartments ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- 5:54 Traveling back to Indiana
IRMC Indiana 7:52 9:52 ----- 1:52 3:52 5:57 Traveling back to Indiana
IRMC Outpatient Building 7:52 9:52 ----- 1:52 3:52 5:57 Traveling back to Indiana
Lowry St. 7:57 9:56 ----- 1:56 3:56 6:00 Traveling back to Indiana
Philadelphia St. (N. 8th) 7:58 9:58 ----- 1:58 3:58 ---- Traveling back to Indiana
ICW/Aging Services 8:00 10:00 ----- 2:00 4:00 ----- Traveling back to Indiana
McDonald's (Wayne Ave.) 8:05 10:05 ----- 2:05 4:05 6:05 Traveling back to Indiana
Acorn & College Lodge Rd. ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 6:08 Traveling back to Indiana
Big Lots ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 6:10 Traveling back to Indiana
Poets Village ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 6:11 Traveling back to Indiana
KCAC 8:06 10:06 ----- 2:06 4:06 ----- Traveling back to Indiana
INDIGO 8:08 10:08 ----- 2:08 4:08 ----- Traveling back to Indiana
Indiana Mall Arrive 8:15 10:15 ----- 2:15 4:15 6:15 7:30

Route 6 - Saturday Schedule

Services: Indiana Mall, IRMC Indiana, IRMC Chestnut Ridge, Homer City, Graceton/Coral, Josephine, Blacklick, Blairsville, (Walmart)

  • Operates Saturday 8:20 am to 5:08 pm
  • Saturday Not in Service 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm
  • Times posted are departure times.
  • Schedule effective July 1, 2024

Route 6 Saturday does not operate from 12:15 pm until 1:15 pm

Indiana to Blairsville
ROUTE 6 Saturday AM     PM  
Indiana Mall Depart 8:20 10:20 ----- 1:20 3:20
INDIGO 8:25 10:25 ----- 1:25 3:25
Hoss's (Wayne Ave) 8:26 10:26 ----- 1:26 3:26
Indian Springs Rd 8:28 10:28 ----- 1:28 3:28
RR Tracks on Old 119 8:31 10:31 ----- 1:31 3:31
Homer City (Lucerne Rd) 8:33 10:33 ----- 1:33 3:33
Homer City Bus Shelter 8:35 10:35 ----- 1:35 3:35
Homer Center School 8:36 10:36 ----- 1:36 3:36
Graceton (Mailboxes) 8:39 10:39 ----- 1:39 3:39
Coral (Firehall) 8:40 10:40 ----- 1:40 3:40
Josephine 8:43 10:43 ----- 1:43 3:43
Blacklick Fire Hall 8:46 10:46 ----- 1:46 3:46

Downtown Blairsville Loop - 1st Loop into town Old William Penn Hwy to Rte 22
ROUTE 6 Saturday AM     PM  
Blairsville Walmart 8:53 10:53 ----- 1:53 3:53
Blairview Apts. Bentley Dr. 8:57 10:57 ----- 1:57 3:57
RR Tracks on Market Street 8:59 10:59 ----- 1:59 3:59
Blairsville Sheetz 9:00 11:00 ----- 2:00 4:00
Bergman's Hardware 9:01 11:01 ----- 2:01 4:01

Downtown Blairsville Loop - 2nd Loop into town Route 22 to Old William Penn Hwy
ROUTE 6 Saturday AM     PM  
Blairsville Walmart 9:06 11:06 ----- 2:06 4:06
Bergman's Hardware 9:12 11:12 ----- 2:12 4:12
RR Tracks on Market Street 9:15 11:15 ----- 2:15 4:15
Blairview Apartments 9:16 11:16 ----- 2:16 4:16
Blairsville Walmart 9:21 11:21 ----- 2:21 4:21

Blairsville to Indiana
ROUTE 6 Saturday AM     PM  
IRMC at Chestnut Ridge 9:23 11:23 ---- 2:23 4:23
Blacklick Post Office 9:27 11:27 ----- 2:27 4:27
Josephine 9:30 11:30 ----- 2:30 4:30
Graceton (Mailboxes) 9:34 11:34 ----- 2:34 4:34
Coral (Fire Hall) 9:35 11:35 ----- 2:35 4:35
Homer Center School  9:40 11:40 ----- 2:40 4:40
Homer City Bus Shelter 9:41 11:41 ----- 2:41 4:41
Homer City (Lucerne Rd) 9:43 11:43 ----- 2:43 4:43
RR Tracks on Old 119 9:45 11:45 ----- 2:45 4:45
IRMC Indiana 9:52 11:52 ----- 2:52 4:52
IRMC Outpatient Building 9:52 11:52 ---- 2:52 4:52
Lowry St. 9:56 11:56 ----- 2:56 4:56
Philadelphia St. (N. 8th) 9:58 11:58 ----- 2:58 4:58
ICW/Aging Services 10:00 12:00 ----- 3:00 5:00
McDonald's (Wayne Ave.) 10:05 12:05 ----- 3:05 5:05
KCAC 10:06 12:06 ----- 3:06 5:06
INDIGO 1 0:08 12:08 ----- 3:08 5:08
Indiana Mall Arrive 10:15 12:15 ----- 3:15 ----

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