ATTENTION TOKEN TRANSIT USERS: Token Transit ends on March 31. Switch now to IndiGO Mobile Pay - the new, easy way to pay for your rides.


Carry on Policy

The Indiana County Transit Authority (IndiGO) understands that our passengers utilize our fixed route and shared ride transit services for their daily transportation needs which includes traveling to and from local shopping centers. This, at times, creates situations where our passengers have bags or other personal items that they need to carry-on our vehicles during their rides. In order to maintain continued safety and ensure a pleasant experience for all passengers, a reasonable policy has been adopted by the IndiGO Board of Directors related to such carry-on items.

The number of bags or other items that a passenger can carry-on to a vehicle is limited to the amount of such items that a single passenger can manage independently themselves in one boarding without having to get off the bus to retrieve additional items. Drivers, other IndiGO staff, and other unrelated passengers are not permitted to assist other passengers with the management of their carry-on bags or other items.

All items brought onto the vehicle must fit on the passenger's lap or below their feet without taking
up additional seats regardless of the number of passengers on the vehicle when boarding. Items CANNOT be placed in the aisles, nor can they be stowed in the ADA securement areas or left on the wheel wells. Passengers are responsible for and must also be in control of all items brought onto a vehicle at all times.

The following items are NOT permitted on any IndiGO vehicles:

Large knives or other sharp objects;
Gasoline or flammable liquids;
Any container containing a liquid in excess of 1 gallon;
Fireworks, firecrackers, handheld sparklers, or any other flammable materials;
Furniture or mattresses;
Open alcoholic beverages (alcoholic beverages must be in original unopened retail packaging) or   alcoholic beverages over 100 proof;
Inflated balloons;
Car batteries or other corrosive materials;
Non-medically necessary compressed gas vessels or cylinders (e.g.: propane tanks, fire extinguishers, CO2 cartridges, etc.);
Animals other than a Service Animal (a dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability emotional support animals are not considered Service Animals) must be in a pet carrier approved for travel;
Assembled electric-powered equipment (e.g.: Lawn mowers, weed whackers, chain saws, power washers, snow blowers, or other assembled equipment items);
All engine-powered equipment fueled with gasoline or other liquid fuels (e.g.: lawn mowers, weed wackers, chain saws, power washers, snow blowers, etc.).

For reasons of safety, other items may be prohibited at the discretion of your driver.

Bikes are permitted in bike racks on the front of the vehicle ONLY. No bikes will be transported inside the vehicle.

All passengers with strollers must remove the child, collapse the stroller and stay seated with the
child in their lap at all times. Passengers will assume full responsibility for the safety of their child.

tore shopping carts or wagons are NOT permitted on board the vehicle. Personal shopping carts that are designed to be pulled or pushed with two wheels are allowed. Passengers must always hold and be in control of their cart. ADA tie downs are not to be used on carts or strollers.

INDIGO assumes no responsibility for items left on the vehicles.
Contact INDIGO’s office at 724-465-2140 to determine if items have been turned in.