ATTENTION TOKEN TRANSIT USERS: Token Transit ends on March 31. Switch now to IndiGO Mobile Pay - the new, easy way to pay for your rides.


IndiGO News

Have you wondered about the convenience of public transportation?

Travel Training is a ticket to independence to the freedom of public transit. IndiGO offers Travel Training for seniors, persons with disabilities and the general public. The program can be provided on a one-on-one or group basis for fixed routes or Shared Ride services. The training provides personalized instruction in the use of IndiGO. This type of instruction includes the practical experience of riding the bus while learning the necessary skills for independent travel. 

Topics covered include:
  • How to determine appropriate routes
  • Purchasing passes
  • Landmark identification
  • Proper boarding and departure procedures 
  • Proper street crossing skills 
  • Emergency procedures
  • Recognizing bus numbers
Our Travel Training instructor teaches participants all of the practical skills to travel the Indiana County public transit system with confidence and safety.

To schedule a Travel Training, call 724-465-2140